How to Make More Friends

Some of us are too absorbed in our own job or hobby that we totally neglected the need to make friends. There are also people who lack confidence and make you feel shy to take the first step to making new friends.

Making new friends do not have to be complicated and can be very simple when dissected and look at the big picture. It's just a simple process to initiate, interact and follow-up.

No matter what your excuse and why not make friends if you want to learn to make friends, you have to learn the art of pitching. Initiator is the most important part of making friends and you need to master.

You'll make more friends if you start instead of waiting to take the first step. You know most of the time people are still waiting for others to make the first move because they are shy to do so. It is therefore right that shyness get people to be afraid to start and talk to the other of them screaming first. But think about it, it has to do with shyness? It's just a feeling of fear that you're wrong when you start to talk to them and are not willing to leave your comfort zone.

If you really want to make more friends, have to leave your comfort zone and start throwing. Everyone is shy and scared of something, but the good news is that shyness and fear decreases when you start doing more and more often until it becomes second nature to you. So instead of waiting for others to initiate, take the first step and start talking to them or organize an event or outing for everyone to meet. Normally, the host get the most attention, this means you can get to interact with other people and therefore get more friends.